Saturday 12 November 2016

Salt and Light !!!!

Since my time here in UK there is one thing that I have come to value and that is salt. I don't know about my other friends here but I have found that the British are very stingy when it comes to salt in their meal.I still remember among my first few meals in my early days here was fish and chips, [chips : my Indian friends is what they call french fries here but bigger in size] and to my distaste neither of the two had any salt. Since then I have a greater respect and appreciation for Indian food. However food is not what I am going to write about today.

 Recently as I was reading Matthew I came to these verses that I had read innumerable times, "you are the salt of the earth , you are the light of the earth ".  Usually it is taught that we need shine the light of the Word into the life into others,but in reality it's the other way round.  Light is something that we can't ignore in the dark .It will draw our attention. We might get irritated when someone flashes light on our face or we might be thankful that someone has flashlight when we are searching something in the darkness , whatever may our reactions be , we can't ignore the light in the darkness. It pulls us towards it like trapped miners trying to scramble through to the sliver of light at the end of the tunnel. So if Jesus wanted us to be light and salt it means we need to be a people that the world is either attracted to us or hates us but whatever may happen it shouldn't ignore us.Just like salt and light,  love them or hate them you can't ignore them.

From a very early age I was taught all about Jesus and being a christian.I went to a christian school and christian college , so for me to be a "christian" was second nature , just like breathing .But over the past few years living outside the Christian sphere of influence , I realised that being a christian is more than what I am used to being. I had become so comfortable in my own skin as a christian that it was okay for me to be a christian as long as I didn't gain any attention or have people ask questions about my faith. I was more like a closet christian to say the least. Many times people realised I was a christian only after they asked me about it in a conversation regarding religion. And the funny part it never struck me odd that people had to ask me to know whether I was Christian. It is easy blending in the world.

So maybe we need to slow down and let people notice us , just like Jesus says "Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify God in heaven ". So in other words it's not necessary for you to be a preacher to make people know God. Let's make people sit back and want what we have. Just like a food without salt this hurting world doesn't realise that a this world is tasteless , dark and empty without God . The recent upheaval all over the world makes us realise that the world is bitterly divided like never before, hate is the word of the season. But as we approach the Christmas season , tis the season of love , the reason we celebrate , so let's be light in someones life and flavor their life with a pinch of salt. So here's me wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas season.God bless!!!
P.S I know it's early but Christmas always makes me excited , can't help .